Though National Marine Week may have passed, at Biomega we are committed to funding research and development projects to deliver new and innovative health and nutrition products to both humans and our pets.

Founded in Norway, the most sustainable country in the world1, we strive for a circular approach in our processes. Like many other businesses in the health food and nutrition sectors, Biomega is on a journey to find the best ways to create a sustainable food economy. This zero-waste approach has influenced who we are and what we do today – to make the most of nature’s richest resources and reduce the environmental impact on our oceans as much as possible.


The state of our food waste

 According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, annual greenhouse gas emissions are projected to reach 51 billion tonnes by 20502. Of those emissions, 28 billion tonnes come from electricity production, distribution, consumption and transport, while 23 billion tonnes are from industry, agriculture, other land use and forestry. However, up to 10 billion tonnes of this can be cut by transitioning to a circular economy.

Food waste is just one of the major contributors to our annual rate of emissions that we have the power to change. According to Project Drawdown, a global leader in ranking climate solutions, preventing food waste is the single most effective solution to avoid increasing the planet’s warming by more than 2 degrees Celsius3,4. This is backed by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, which states that approximately 30% of all food produced is wasted and results in the loss of one billion tonnes5 – now at a cost of one trillion dollars (843 billion Euros)6 – in one year. Unsurprisingly, this food waste accounts for around 6% of our greenhouse gas emissions4.

To combat food waste, Biomega and other companies have found a way to turn this foodgrade rest stream and upcycle it into a new, high-quality products. When 60% of consumers want to purchase more upcycled foods and 95% want to reduce food waste4, a zero-waste approach to manufacturing is simply second nature.


Zero waste, low environmental impact

As biorefining specialists, we have years of experience in developing sustainable, zero waste systems to deliver the highest quality products for human and pet nutrition. Our unique, patented enzymatic hydrolysis process operates continuously, following a ‘first-in’, ‘first-out’ approach, for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It upcycles fresh marine raw materials, which are non-GMO and supplied by sustainably certified salmon farms in our region, by gently separating the nutrients (soluble and non-soluble proteins, oil and minerals) to be used in high value health food applications, resulting in zero waste.

Instead of using a chemical process like others in our industry, our enzymatic hydrolysis process follows the natural pattern of the digestive system found in humans and mammals. But the advantages of our process do not just stop there! Due to the way we manufacture our raw materials, our continuous process provides consistent quality and yield, alongside improved automation to reduce risk of human error. This means it is both cost- and resource-effective.


Why partner with Biomega?

Across the world, businesses are investing in new research, technology and scientific techniques to deliver on marine conservation targets set by the United Nations as part of its 2020-2025 Sustainable Development Goals. With ocean life suffering drastically due to our unsustainable ways, it’s vital that human and pet food manufacturers begin to think sustainably when it comes to their product innovations.

At Biomega, we can help you make a difference and reduce your environmental impact. Our latest expansion and improvement of our raw material facility in Skaganeset, on Sotra Island outside Bergen in Norway, is part of a large investment to ensure high quality for our customers, while maintaining high standards of hygiene. This means we can better support brands that want to offer all the health benefits of Norwegian salmon via a highly nutritious food or pet food application for their customers.

If you are looking to expand your pet health or human nutrition portfolio, our Salmigo® salmon oil for premium petfood and Biomega salmon oil for food makes for an excellent choice. In addition, it is repeatedly recommended by veterinarians and nutritionists alike.

For more information on how our products can be integrated into your food portfolio or to discover more about our zero-waste approach, contact our sales team today by emailing



1. Robeco, ‘Norway is now the most sustainable country in the world’, January 2020.

2. Ellen MacArthur Foundation, ‘Building world free from waste and pollution’, May 2021.

3. Project Drawdown, ‘Reduced Food Waste’, 2017.

4. Upcycled Food, 2021,

5. FAO, ‘Monitoring food loss and waste essential to hunger fight,’ October 2013.

6. UN World Food Program USA, ‘8 Facts to know about food waste and hunger,’ October 2020.