A healthy and nutritionally varied lifestyle is front of mind for many consumers as we move into 2021. According to the 2020 Food & Health Survey, conducted by the International Food Information Council (IFC), Covid-19 had a major impact on the food consumers purchased, their mindset and fundamental notions of food safety. After surveying more than 1,000 US adults, the IFC reported that 54% of all consumers believed that their food choices matter more now than in comparison to 2010. The survey also found that 43% followed a specific diet or eating pattern within the past year, with intermittent fasting at the head of the pack.

Yet there are many other health and nutrition trends that are poised for a major growth spurt in 2021. As a result of the pandemic, consumers are turning more to plant-based diet plans, introducing personalised weight management programmes and making more informed choices about what food they buy based on sustainable processes. Here are just a few trends we believe will be make a big impact on consumer purchasing decisions this year.

Immunity boosting foods

Immune health is set to remain on trend for the third year running after consumers ranked it as the top health goal in the 2019 Kerry Global Consumer Survey. This is backed by further research in the US where 61% of consumers that regularly take supplements increased their usage in 2020 to support immunity, according to a survey from MarketPlace. As such, foods and food supplements that help to boost immunity are great to add into your consumer product range this year.

Low-climate impact foods

Foods that have been sourced sustainably and are packaged in eco-friendly substrates will be high on consumer lists this year. Companies that go beyond this and demonstrate how they are tackling climate change and are transparent about their supplier processes will likely see success this year.

For instance, we are passionate about our planet’s ecosystem and follow a sustainable, zero waste approach to manufacturing high-quality, fresh and pure Norwegian salmon parts into premium food-grade ingredients. These ingredients, which are naturally low in climate impact, are then positioned for health foods in the human nutrition market. Our salmon peptides, for example, were used as an ingredient in W8 Solution – an innovative weight loss product. Featuring anti-inflammatory properties, our bioactive salmon peptides helped to maintain stable blood glucose levels, supporting consumer weight management goals.

Personalised weight management

Personalised nutrition is here to stay. According to a 2018 US study, 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalised experiences. As consumers continue to gravitate towards personalised weight management goals, health and nutrition brands should focus on sustainable, science-first solutions that can prevent and manage human health conditions, while valuing vitality. Brands need to think about the bigger picture by identifying the root cause before tackling the symptoms.

With these key health and nutrition trends in mind, brands that continue to innovate with sustainability front of mind will easily adapt to the latest emerging consumer behaviours this year. If you are looking to diversify your weight management portfolio with sustainable, fresh and pure salmon peptides, or if you would like to launch a product with pure salmon oil, please get in touch with our sales team today by emailing contact@biomegagroup.com.