We value vitality here at Biomega. It’s why we continually strive to create products that not only help keep us – and our pets – healthy, but also offer beneficial health gains through improvements to overall wellness. Vital to our business portfolio and sourced from our fresh Norwegian salmon rest streams, Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that contain many proven health benefits. Since they play such an important role in human health, the factual health benefits occasionally crossover with fictional ones. These misconceptions can sometimes deter individuals from consuming the recommended weekly amount. For example, some believe that omega-3s are just for those with heart disease – a clear myth. To understand why some consumers may believe fiction over fact, let’s first explore the numerous health benefits that Omega-3s can bring to human nutrition.

Omega-3 in a Nutshell

There are three main types of omega-3s: ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) found in plants, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) found in animal foods and algae. Foods that are rich in omega-3s include some oils (like pumpkin or algal), green leafy vegetables, walnuts and seeds (flax and chia). Oily fish, such as salmon, mackerel and sardines, are also naturally rich in EPA and DHA. In fact, the British cholesterol charity Heart UK recommends consuming at least one portion (140g) of oily fish per week. Yet when it comes to cholesterol and omega-3s, it’s easy to get confused.

Cholesterol and Omega-3: The Facts

Improving heart health is one of the biggest benefits of omega-3 consumption, but it’s also one that raises many misconceptions with consumers. Omega-3 does not help lower LDL (the bad) cholesterol, it just improves HDL (the good) cholesterol, thereby decreasing risk of cardiovascular diseases. While EPA does not influence cholesterol levels significantly, DHA tends to increase LDL cholesterol, though is offset by the matched increase in HDL cholesterol. Several studies have also clinically proven that omega-3 fatty acids can significantly reduce circulating triglyceride levels – a fat that enters our bloodstream after every meal[1]. In addition, they can also help to lower blood pressure, prevent blood clots and keep the rhythm of your heart steady, according to Heart UK.

Skin, Bone and Joint Health

Contrary to consumer belief, omega-3 fatty acids aren’t just great for heart health they also deliver beneficial gains in other areas of the human body too. Omega-3s can help fight inflammation by reducing the production of molecules and substances linked to inflammatory eicosanoids and cytokines, as well as improve bone strength by boosting calcium and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. When it comes to skin health, EPA has excellent hydration properties, managing oil production and reducing premature ageing of skin and acne.

How Biomega can help

At Biomega, we have several solutions for both the human and pet nutrition markets that contain all the benefits of omega-3, 6 and the antioxidant astaxanthin. For instance, our premium Salmon Oil features up to 15% of Omega-3 and Omega-6 and is a superb choice for inclusion in personal care products and functional food supplements in the human nutrition market. This pure and natural oil also contains astaxanthin, a natural antioxidant, also responsible for the oil’s beautiful orange colour.

If you are looking to expand your pet health or food portfolio, our Salmigo® salmon oil for premium petfood and Biomega salmon oil for food makes for an excellent choice. Many of our customers in this space market to veterinarians who repeatedly recommend our salmon oil, which delivers high-quality nutrition and is highly palatable for dogs, cats and other pets. While for those operating in the animal feed market, our crude salmon oil offers the same nutritional value and properties as our Salmigo product and is available to purchase in bulk.

So, with the facts of omega-3 firmly highlighted, the health benefits are clear. Through our patented manufacturing process that utilises the full nutritional value of fresh Norwegian salmon, we deliver the highest level of quality in our products, every time. For more information on our salmon oil products, please get in touch with our sales team today by emailing contact@biomegagroup.com.


1. Weintraub, H., Update on marine omega-3 fatty acids: management of dyslipidemia and current omega-3 treatment options. Atherosclerosis, 2013. 230(2): p. 381-9.